Monday, October 17, 2011

Thirteen Years of Marriage: A Reflexion

     Today, my wife and I celebrate thirteen years of marriage. Marriage may not be for everyone and I can certainly understand why. Everyone just ain't cut out for it. In today's society ( or what we have left of one ) the norm seems to be hedonism and materialism, neither of which is conducive to marriage. In the last thirteen years of my life, I have had to learn that this isn't just my life; it's ours. All the ups and downs, triumphs and disappointments, the famines and feasts are shared experiences. Life lessons are processed through two brains of one mind ( o.k., mostly my wife's side of our mind ) with the result that we both grow in ways we never could alone.
     Now this is not to say that all who choose not to marry are selfish or materialists. There are beautiful examples of people who have chosen to dedicate their lives to worthy causes including, of course, service to our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is, in my view, a beautiful example of an unselfish and sacrificing love for the Lord and His people and I believe such are to be commended.
    But on this day, as I reflect on thirteen years of marriage to my wife, our raising two young boys, and all that our life together has been and is, I cannot imagine ministry, a home, or my life without her. I am deeply grateful to her and for her. A good wife is truly a gift from God.